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Penang Rojak


Penang Rojak (Malaysian Tropical Fruits)


1 whole Fresh pineapple
1 whole Cucumber
1 whole Sweet turnip (bangkwang)
1 whole Star fruit
3 small Green mangoes
3 whole Pink guavas
2 whole Bean curds, semi-hard (tau kua)
Ingredients for Sauce:
3 tbsp. Hoi sin sauce
3 tbsp. Prawn paste (hae ko)
2 tbsp. White Sugar
2 tsp. Chili powder
1 tsp. Shrimp paste (belacan)
Garnishing:                                                                                                       1 cup Roasted Ground nuts, pounded


Remove pineapple skin, eyes and core.

Cut into 8 pieces lengthwise and slice coarsely

Cut cucumber into wedges and peel sweet turnip and cut into wedges.

Seed mangoes and slice coarsely and cut pink guavas into wedges and slice bean curds coarsely.

In a mixing bowl, add in the sauce ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Then mix all the ingredients together with the sauce.

Dish the mixture into a serving plate.

Garnish by sprinkling pounded groundnuts over the mixture.

Serve 6-8 people.


Simple tip serving this recipe:

This can serve as afters or dessert or just like a snack 





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Last modified: May 26, 2003