Microwave Basics & Cooking Techniques:

We need to know the basic uses of microwave in today's trend of cooking they are mostly labeled microwave use, mostly every dishes can be use. Using stainless steel and related foil products will burn and sparkle and break the circuit. So it's best bet to ensure that they are microwave uses, not all plastic wares can be use also, especially softer plastic containers. It's very handy to read the manual instructions before proceeding, especially if it is your first time.  If you purchase a powerful one, I suggest to read the instruction more broader and get use too, using and cooking by microwave, they will become easier as you are learning to use and it will make your life easier.

Few techniques  are the following:

You should always cover the food with lids or safe plastic wrap, this will hold the steam and will help the food you're cooking to cook faster.
Cooking  by covered plastic wrap, vent it as turn on one corner, to allow to escape the excess steam.
To stir the food while cooking, do the hottest portion first, then outside in the cooler center, as microwave energy intends to penetrate the edges of the cooking food.
Food that can't be stirred needs rearranging to cook evenly, move the less cooked food from the center of the dish.  Cooking fish fillets, chicken pieces, also muffins and individual dishes needs to be rearrange.
Any food that can't be stir and rearrange need to be turn. Always follow the recipe instruction if they mention to turn the food while cooking in the microwave.
It is necessary to turn over large pieces of food when you cook by microwave, especially if you see them they are cooking faster on the bottom than the top surface, particularly big hamburgers.
Not all the time you should follow the doneness of the ready made recipes for microwave cooking, ( this depends on how high watts voltage you're using, so some adjustment is needed) and to test if the food is done, scratch the surface to see if the texture is cook has formed underneath, like ready made cakes and muffins, they still look wet but not done. Some microwave ready foods look they are cook, but need to be done more.




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Last modified: May 26, 2003